KiwiSaver transfer rules

Rules around KiwiSaver Transfers

While there are many benefits of transferring your KiwiSaver to Australia, it is important to know the rules around KiwiSaver transfers.

Which super fund can you transfer your KiwiSaver to?

  • You can only transfer your KiwiSaver to an Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) super fund which accepts KiwiSaver transfers.
  • Out of 100+ superannuation funds in Australia, only a handful accept KiwiSaver Transfers. 
  • First Super is one of the few which accepts KiwiSaver Transfers.
  • It is not compulsory for a superannuation fund to accept KiwiSaver transfers. 
  • You cannot transfer to an SMSF as these are regulated by the ATO and not APRA.
I have transferred my KiwiSaver to a KiwiSaver accepting fund in Australia. Can I then move it to a different fund?
  • Once your KiwiSaver is in Australia, you can transfer it to a different superannuation fund, however the fund you transfer it to MUST be another APRA KiwiSaver accepting fund. 
  • You can transfer your Australian superannuation component in your superannuation account to another superannuation fund or SMSF.
How much can I transfer?
  • When you transfer your KiwiSaver to Australia you must transfer the whole balance.
  • Your KiwiSaver Transfer under Australian legislation is considered as personal after-tax contribution.
  • There are limits on how much personal after-tax contributions you can make to your superannuation account in each financial year. The current FY 2024-25 limit is AUD $120,000.
  • However, you may transfer up to AUD $360,000 in one move under the Bring Forward rule. The Bring Forward rule allows you to make up to three years’ worth of after-tax contributions in a single year. The rule limits the amount of after-tax contribution you make in the subsequent three years.
  • If you exceed the limit, you’ll haveto pay excess contribution tax.
Once your KiwiSaver is transferred to Australia
  • Once your KiwiSaver is in Australia it is tagged. The tag allows super funds to identify the KiwiSaver component in your superannuation account. 
  • Your KiwiSaver transfer will be shown in Australian dollars in your account.
  • Interest earned on your KiwiSaver transfer will be in Australian dollars. This will be added to your superannuation component within your super account and subject to Australian rules.
  • The balance of your KiwiSaver component will still be subject to New Zealand rules.
Fees and costs of KiwiSaver Transfers
  • First Super does not charge KiwiSaver transfer or exit fees. Like all superannuation funds in Australia, they charge administration fees for managing your account.
  • It’s important to note foreign exchange rates and fees apply with KiwiSaver transfers. First Super uses the currency exchange rates from NZD to AUD on the day they receive the funds. Exchange rates change daily. First Super uses wholesale foreign exchange rates which provides more favourable rates than retail. A small bank fee of up to AUD $15 is charged for processing the foreign exchange. 
  • Your KiwiSaver fund may charge a transfer fee. To avoid any surprises later on, we recommend you check with them before you start the KiwiSaver transfer process.
When can I access my retirement savings?

In your superannuation account, you will have your KiwiSaver transfer component and your superannuation component. Both are subject to different laws.

KiwiSaver component

  • This is subject to current New Zealand government regulation. Current New Zealand regulations allow you to access your KiwiSaver when you reach the age of 65.

Superannuation component

  • This is subject to current Australian government regulation. Earnings on investments made on your KiwiSaver component are allocated to your superannuation component. You can access your superannuation when:
    • You turn 60 and are fully retired, or leave an employment arrangement after age 60
    • You may have limited access through a Transition to Retirement account age between 60 – 65 years.
    • You turn 65 regardless of whether you’re still working or not

Your superannuation is for retirement, but you may be able to access limited amounts of your super early on compassionate and other hardship grounds. This is subject to eligibility and Australian government regulations.

What happens if I move back to New Zealand?

If you decide to move back to New Zealand, you can transfer your KiwiSaver and superannuation components back to a KiwiSaver scheme of your choice.

  • You will need a New Zealand Inland Revenue Department (IRD) number to transfer your retirement savings in an Australian superannuation fund to a KiwiSaver scheme.
  • You must transfer your whole balance
  • There are no limits as to how much you can transfer

Read the KiwiSaver Factsheet for more details

Contact your superfund for more details.

More Resources

More details of the Trans-Tasman portability of retirement savings can be found:

ATO Trans-Tasman Retirement Savings Portability scheme

Australian Government Treasury website


transfer your kiwisaver

Moved from New Zealand and now in Australia?

Transfer your KiwiSaver with First Super. First Super is one of only a few super funds which accepts KiwiSaver transfers. They have helped thousands of New Zealanders successfully transfer their KiwiSaver to Australia.

Save on fees and taxes. Bring your KiwiSaver Balance across the ditch today with First Super. Join online or contact First Super Member Services for more information: 1300 360 988

This is a sponsored advertising promotion by First Super Pty Limited (ABN 42 053 498 472, AFSL 223988) as trustee of First Super (ABN 56 286 625 181).

This document contains general advice which has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider whether the advice is appropriate for you and read the Product Disclosure Statement before making any investment decisions.  To obtain a copy of the PDS or Target Market Determination please contact First Super on 1300 360 988 or visit our website